Tuesday 1 September 2015



              The other talented of Sudirman he has being an accomplished singer and also a good writer, he wrote a few books. In fact his book written for children titled "Taming Si Budak Pintar" in 1992 won the Mobil- Mabopa contest (a Mobil Oil book writing contest). He also wrote frequently and had weekly and monthly columns in the Malay newspapers and some local entertainment magazines. His artistic talent also saw him contributing sketches and cartoons for publication in the local magazines. Sudirman Arshad also wrote his autobiography "Dari Dalam Sudir" in addition to some cartoons and weekly columns for magazines and some local newspapers such as Karangkraf. He was also a journalist and columnist, who wrote on various serious issues.

"Taming Si Budak Pintar" by Sudirman Hj Arshad

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